“Mr. Jelly, did you DIE?!”

Yes, I think last night’s workout may have killed me. Seriously. I thought I could just hit the gym and rock out some incline intervals on the treadmill, then do some jump rope circuits in my living room and still have energy to make dinner and be productive.

That’s not AT ALL what happened. Sigh. I did try the incline walking workout that I stole (borrowed?) from pbfingers.com: Treadmill walking workout. 4.0 pace? Hah! Yea right! I started at 4.0 with confidence…and lasted about 30 seconds. Then I went down to 3.8. Then 3.5. I ended up at 3.1 and was able to stick it out there. Don’t hold on to the sides? Again, hah! Did not happen! By about minute 9 I was gasping for breath and holding on to the grips for dear life. I somehow felt that hoofing it at that pace while holding on to the machine was better than slowing down or dropping the incline. I have no idea if that makes sense.

In any case, I did finish twenty minutes, but I was near death at the end. My heart rate monitor showed that my heart was as furious as my lungs and legs. Oh, dear. Whatever ambitions I had of then doing any rope jumping was out the window. I was able to shower, somehow stay standing while making dinner, and then crashed and was asleep before ten o’clock. Awesome.

We’ll see what happens tonight when I attempt more cardio and a core workout. Wish me luck! I will need it!

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